LLAA Member and lifelong painter (both in watercolor and oil), Dan Kilgore, demonstrated his approach to watercolor landscape painting last week at the La Jolla Community Center. Dan choose a beach scene for his demonstration; the completed work is pictured in the lower right photo above (or you can view a larger version in the photo gallery below). He also shared some recent works, pictured below.
During the demonstration, Dan explained the process he uses, including the use of liquid masking fluid/pens to reserve the white spaces on his paper. The curious demo participants drilled Dan with questions to learn more about how he blends colors and techniques he uses to achieve particular effects. Dan freely shared his experience and knowledge with attendees.
The LJAA holds an art technique demonstration the third Thursday of every month from 4-6 at the La Jolla Community Center. Plan to join us next month - June 23rd - for a demonstration by Beverly Brock on Acrylic Pouring. Not an artist? Acrylic Pouring is great for beginners - you'll learn the basics you need to know to get started along with a lot of great tips!