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The Challenge of Yupo

On Thursday July 28th, Minnie Valero demonstrated to a curious crowd at LJCC the process and challenges of painting on Yupo as a substrate for watercolor . Minnie is an award winning watercolorist and enjoys the challenge inherent in using Yupo; its non-absorbent surface resists the watercolor making it tricky to apply and unpredictable at times. But the result is vibrant and fresh.

Minnie prepared two different scenes at various stages of completion to be able to demonstrate the process of creating a painting on Yupo. Each layer requires dry time in between so as to keep the colors from running into one another (unless that effect is desired). It was a fascinating demo followed by the chance to try painting on Yupo by the attendees.

Please mark your calendar for the 4th Thursday of each month to join us for our monthly Demo series. On August 25th from 4-6pm, Sherry Roper will be our featured artist. Sherry is an accomplished, award-winning representational oil and watercolor painter, so it's sure to an intriguing demo full of great information. To see samples of Sherry's work, click here.


La Jolla Art Association, a 501(c)(3) 

non-profit community organization.  

Tax ID: 95-3068938

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